Thursday, December 31, 2015

36 Year-End Confessions of this Stay-at-Home Mom

It's the last day of 2015.  The day when so many of us are enjoying that one thing before we decide to give it up for the New Year.  This does not apply to me.  It has been quite a few years since I have made any resolutions, but I am this year.  Just one.  Only I'm not giving up something, I'm adding to it.  My resolution is to spend more time in the Bible understanding what God wants me to do and where He will have me do it.  I want to hear His voice more clearly.  So today, as my last blog post of 2015, I am offering my confessions or tidbits of info about me.  These are things about me you may or may not know.  You may or may not like.  But they are the truth and how I feel, so here ya go, in no particular order!

1.  I am a Christian (this will actually always be number one).
2.  I am a southern Baptist but pray that people don't automatically label me as a hypocrital conservative because of where I worship.  I am more liberal than most realize.
3.  I love being a stay-at-home mom.
4.  Some days I really miss working a regular 8-5 job.  With adults.  With adult conversations.
5.  I enjoy time away from my kids.  This does not make me a bad mom.  This makes me a real mom.
6.  I love to cook new things, but only if the mood strikes.
7.  I love to eat out.
8.  I am a horrible housekeeper.  I can't stand to vacuum (thank goodness Santa brought me that Roomba this year)!
9.  I am the daughter of a southern Baptist minister.  The older I get, the more I appreciate this.
10.  I don't support gay marriage.
11.  I love my gay friends the same as I love my straight friends.  I may not agree with their life decisions, but it doesn't make me love them less.  Same as with my friends who may be alcoholics, drug addicts or atheists.
12.  I am a republican.
13.  I have voted democrat before.  I vote for the person, not the party.
14.  While I enjoy talking with friends, some days I just don't feel like being sociable.
15.  I love texting.  Phone calls with three kids in the house do not go over well, as I have to stop to tell the kids something or answer a question every 48 seconds.
16.  I can't stand feet.  They're gross.  Don't touch me with your feet, I will NOT touch your feet, and do not touch my feet.  Although, I'm somehow okay with professional pedicures.
17.  I love New York City and would live in the middle of Manhattan if we didn't have kids.
18.  I love the beach.  The water, the sand, the sun, the breeze, all of it.
19.  I worry about things even though worrying doesn't change the outcome.
20.  I have a past.  Some things I would change, but most, I wouldn't.
21.  Guns don't scare me.  I know how to use them and would do so in a heartbeat to save my family.
22.  I have a tendency to say what's on my mind.  It's usually the truth and can sometimes be hurtful and I have to apologize for letting my mouth get in the way of others feelings.
23.  As Baby's daddy would say, "When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong."
24.  I love living in Texas, but I also love adventure and look at every move we make as a new adventure.
25.  I enjoy all kinds of crafts, but again, only when the mood strikes.
26.  I have learned how to be a loyal friend.  There was a time I could not say that.
27.  I want to try new things in my life but am scared I won't succeed.
28.  I like a clean house, but between three kids and confession #8, that rarely happens.
29.  I am very organized.  Everything has a place and it drives me crazy if things are not where they belong.
30.  I recently reconnected with my first real roommate after 12 years.  She got me through so much and that is one friendship I don't ever plan on losing touch with again.
31.  If going on a trip, I have to leave the house clean and all clothes washed and put away.
32.  I love to workout.
33.  I also love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, chocolate peanut butter cupcakes and Jif Creamy Peanut Butter.  See a trend there?
34.  I enjoy having material items even though I know I don't need them.  Another crutch I need to address in 2016.
35.  I love God.  I believe in God.  But sometimes I just don't believe God (working on this).
36.  I am human.  I am selfish.  And sometimes I get mad at God for not making things go the way I want.  Or as quickly as I want.

I know there are many more things I could put in this list, but the fact is, I can't think of them.  As soon as I hit "post," I'm sure another 15 will pop into my head.  So, just when you thought you knew me, I give you even more information!  Mainly, I really just felt like writing today, so thanks for feeling like reading, if you've made it this far.

I hope you have had a happy 2015 and may you all be blessed with your best year yet in 2016!

Love to you all!
The (confessing) Momma

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