Sunday, March 15, 2015

Life Got in the Way....or Maybe it was Facebook

Yep. Once again life has kept me busy and I have not posted a blog update in a few months.  And guess what!  I don't feel bad about it!  My life isn't overly exciting but it definitely isn't boring either.  So last weekend while attending a cousins wedding, I was asked if I quit blogging.  My answer was simply, "no, I just haven't had anything interesting to say."

I have done exactly zero crafts, unless required by Poo and Tater because something expertly accidentally got broken.  Since Christmas, we have lived in a sort of whirlwind.  It was a new year followed by Mardi Gras, which is when we also lost my husbands grandmother.  And let me just say, that 93-year old woman had a spunk and charisma about her I desperately hope will one day pass on to my kids!  

Mad has also started back to softball.  Hubs is coaching that team and at the same time his travel schedule has tripled, which means I'm mommy on 24-7 duty with no backup when he's gone.  So, needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), this blog has not been my top priority. As a matter of fact, most kinds of social media have made their way to my back burner and I am loving it.  Let me explain.

When hubs and I moved to our quaint, very affluent little town (pop. 350,000), I got very caught up in it. I thought I needed to prove to others and myself that I could fit in.  Even through the end of last year, I was still fighting this urge to fit in.  I automatically assume that everyone has a better house, a better car, make more money, take more trips, buy better things....than me.  And then, after spending some time with some awesome friends through some studies, I came to realize what the problem was.  It was me.  That's what we're all about, right?  What can you do for ME? Look at MY awesome kids.  All of this is MINE.  Me, me, me!

So where did all of this pressure to keep up with the Joneses and Smiths come from?  I mean, I see it in our daily errands around town, but I saw it so much on Facebook.  And I was constantly checking to see what people were doing, only adding to my hang-up, then having to provide my own updates.  I have come to feel that some of my posts may have come off as prideful.  I definitely have never meant them that way, but I can easily see how they could be taken that way.  Yes, my kids are awesome and my husband provides for us, but do I really need to always post about it.  I apologize right now to anyone who has ever felt hurt or degraded by any of my posts.  A friend posted the other day that they bought a new motorcycle.  Great!  Congratulations!  Did you really need to tell all of Facebook how much you paid for it?  Anyway, two months ago I deleted the Facebook app from my phone to keep me from checking it all day and taking time from our kids but to also get a reality check of my prideful nature.  The app is still on my iPad, but I only allow myself to check it once a day, usually in the evening before going to bed.  

Now, before you get mad at me and start ranting about how I posted this blog to Facebook or that you're not being prideful with your posts, please remember I'm not writing this blog about you.  I'm not telling anyone they should stop posting to Facebook or Twitter (I do still make posts at times), or that everyone is too full of themselves.   It's about me and the actions I have taken.  And that main action has been to stop making it all about me and what I want, but giving the glory to God for giving me what I need. I don't ever want to come off to people as an unapproachable, stuck up snob.  I love our city life and the advantages it offers, but don't think I don't know how to throw on a pair of rubber boots and feed cows or clean some fresh caught bream.  

I have rambled a lot in this post and probably don't make much sense (said with my country twang), but I know one thing for certain.  I want to be a better person.  And the older I get, the more I realize that my life is becoming less and less about me and what material possessions I have.  It's all about those three little girls we are raising.  I do pray that we are able to give them all they need but I pray that they will stay humble and give glory to God for how much or how little they may have.

The Momma

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice. Its simple huh? God first, Family second, career/extra activities third. Love you Sherie.